Jan Brueghel stariji, 1612. - Riječni pejzaž - grafika

73,99 €

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Jan Brueghel was the second son of the famous peasant painter, Pieter Brueghel the elder. The younger Brueghel was one of the pioneers of the river landscape in Netherlandish art. In this painting, he develops the related theme of river travel, as ferry boats full of passengers and animals approach a crowded landing near a small village.

Kolekcija Clowes

Strukturirani sto umjetničkog djela

Naslov slike: "Riječni pejzaž"
Kategorizacija: slika
Generički izraz: klasična umjetnost
vijek: 17th stoljeća
Napisano: 1612
Doba umjetničkih djela: 400 godina
Medijum originalnih umjetničkih djela: ulje na panelu
Originalne dimenzije umetničkog dela: 15 x 24 inča
Muzej / zbirka: Muzej umjetnosti Indianapolis
Lokacija muzeja: Indianapolis, Indiana, Sjedinjene Američke Države
Web stranica muzeja: Muzej umjetnosti Indianapolis
Vrsta licence za umjetničko djelo: javnosti
Ljubaznošću: Muzej umjetnosti Indianapolis

Tabela s podacima o izvođaču

Ime umjetnika: Jan Brueghel stariji
Ostala imena: John Brögel, Brueghel Jan Velvet, Johann genannt Blumen-Breughel, Breugel dit de Velours, jan brueghel d. a. gen sammetbrueghel, Brucolo padre, jan breughel der altere, Brueghel of Brussels, Breughel le Velours, Breughel de Velours, Brugo, Jean Breugel, Joh. Brueghel, Breughels de Velours, Sammet Breugel, Brueghel Jan der Aeltere, Brögeln, J. Breughel de Velours, Jan Breughel d. Ae., Old Brughell, V. Brughels, jan breughel I, Breughal, J. Brughel, Breaghel de Volours, jan breughel d.a., de F. Breugel, Breughel padre, Breughall, Breugen, Jean Bruguel dit de Velours, Jean Breughel dit le Breughel de velours, Jean Breughel dit de Velours, Brueghel Jan, Le Vieux Breughel, V. Brughel, Breugal, T. Breugel, jan brueghel der altere gen. sammetbrueghel, Bereugal, jan bruegel d. a., Breugle le Velours, Johann Breughell genannt Blumen-Breughel, Breugell de Velours, brueghel jan d. ae., F. Breugel, Johann Breugel, Brueghall, the elder Brueghel, Brugolo vecchio, Giovan Breughel, Breugel Jan I, den Fluwelen Breugel, Sammet=Breughel, Breughel Jan I, Breugel de Vlours, Jean Breughel de Velours, Breughels van Velours, Jan Breughel, Breughel Jan d.Ä., Breughel dit de Velours, J. Breughel dit De Velours, Breugel Velvet Brueghel, Jan Breughel d. J., Blumen Breugel, Sammet Breughel, O. Brughel, jan brueghel gen. sammet-brueghel, Vel. Breughel, I. Breughel, den Fluweele Breugel, Broeghel, Johann Brögel, J. Breugehl, Brugall, V. Breughel, V. Brueghel, Brueghel the Elder Jan, Johann Velvet Breughel, Breughill, Brughel De Velours, Breugels de Velours, Jan Brueghel D. A., Jean Breugel dit le Velours, brueghel jan d. a., Breugel de Vlours, John otherwise Velvet Breughel, Jan of de Fluele Breugel, Breughels De Velour, Breughel Jan d. Ä., de Fluwele Breugel, Breugel-de-Velours, Ian Breugel, Jann Brögel gen. van Vlour, J. Breughels dit de Velours, Sammet-Breughel, Jan Brueghel, Gio. Breughel, Breughel Jan the elder, Jan Breughel d. Ae. gen Sammtbreughel, Ver Brughell, Breughel dit Jean, jan brueghel d. aelt., de fluweele Breugel, jan breughel d. a., Broegel, J. Bruegel, Vel. Brughell, Broeugel, Breughell, Brugel de veleur, Van Breughel, John Brughel, Broghle de fleur, Breughel de Velour, Brogels, Brougle, Brucolo Jan, Breugle de Velour, Old Brueghel, johann breughel, Breughel de Velours Jean, Jean Breughel ou Breughel de Velours, John Breughel called Velvet Breughel, Old Breughel, Brenghell, den oude van Breugel, Flaelen Breugel, Bruguel, Brugo Novecchio, F. Breughel, Fluelle Breugel, jan breughel d. alt., Breugel de Velours, Giuseppe Buoccolo, Velvet Breugle, Bruegel Velvet, J. Brögel, Jean Breughel dit Breughel de Velours, Bruegels, de Fluweele van Breugel, Breugel de Velleurs, old Brugell, Breuchel de Velours, gio. brughel fiamengo, Joh. Breugel, Jean Breughels dit de Velours, Brucolo, Velvet Bruegel, Fruellen Brughel, jan brueghel gen. sammetbrueghel, jan breughel d. a. gen sammetbreughel, Johann Velvet Breughel, Velvect Brueghel, Velvet Brughle, Breughel de Veloure, Giovanni Breughel, Brueghel d. Ä Jan, Brueghel Jan 'Velvet', John or Velvet Breughel, Breughil de Velours, Briaghell Jan, John Brueghel Called Velvet Brueghel, Broeghel Jan, Breughel de Velours, Brieughel, Breugheul, Velvet Breughel, Bruegel Jan the Elder, J. Brueghel d. Ä., Jean Breugel dit de Velours, Brugheal, P. Breugel de Velours, Brueghel Jan d.Ä., Briügel De Velours, Brucoli Jan il vecchio, Brueghel dit de Velours, Breugel dit De Velours, de Fluweelen Breugel, de fluele Breugel, J. Breughel de Velours, Joh. Broegel, Gamle Breughel, Brugel de Velour, Brughel de Vlour, V. Brughell, Fluen Prôgel, jan brueghel d.a., J. Breughel dit de Velours, Brug., brueghel der altere, Breughel Jan, Brenghels de Velours, Breughel de Vel., Jan Breughell, Breughel Jean, Johannes Breugel, J. Breugel dit De Velours, John Brueghel called the Old, John Brueghel called Velvet Brueghel, J. Breugel, Brueghel Velvet Brueghel, Breughel Jan genannt Samtbreughel, Brueghel dit de Velours, Bruyhelle, Brughell, fluwelen Breugel, Breughill de Velours, Brueghel Jan (Velvet) the Elder, Jean Breughels, Brueghell, Jan I Brueghel, brugolo il vecchio, Jan Breugel den Ouden, Jan Brueghel der Ältere, Bruguel Paesista, Brughel dit de Velours, Breugel Johan, jan brueghel d. alt., de Fluwelen Breugel, Sammt Breughell, Breughell Jan, Jean Breughel dit de Velours, O. Brughael, Jan Brugolo il Vecchio, Breughel Jan Samtbreughel, Brueghel Jan I, Jan (Velvet) Brueghel the Elder, Jean Breughel de Velours, Fruellen Brugell, Old Brughel, Lavecio Breugel, J. Breughel, den fluweelen Breugel, Jean Brughel de Velours, Jan Brueghel d. Ae. gen Sammetbrueghel, Old Braughel, Jan Breugel, Breugle, Brengheel, Jean Breughel dit de Velour, jan broughel d. a., Sam. Breughell, V. Breugel, Velvet Brughel, J. Breugel-de-Velours, Brughels de Velours, Johann Brueghell, Breughel de Veloers, breughel jan, Breugel de Velour, Joh. Breughel, Jean Breugel dit de Velours, Johan. Breughel de Velours, J. Breugel de Velours, Breughels dit de Velours, Breugel de Veloure, Breughel de Fluweele, Breughi Jan, Jan Brughel, Flowellen Breughel, J. Breughel le Pere, Brughill, Brueghel de Velours, Breughels, Velvet Brenghel, Jean Breughel dit De Velour, Breugel Joh., Brucolo vecchio, Breughil, Bruegel Jan, Old Breugel, Breghel de Velour, Brögel de Vel, Brueghel, the elder Breughel, van Brouel de folour, Sammel Breughel, den Ouden Breugel, Breugel de Velours, j. breughel d. alt., Breugel dit de Velour, Breigel, Le Breugle de Velours, Flower Breughel, Velvet Brughel, Breugel de Vloer, jan bruegel, Velvet Brueghel, Bhrueghel, Breugel Jan, Bruegel Jan I, Brenghel, Breugle de Velours, Fluweelen Breughel, Paradise Breughel, Jean Breughel, Breugel den Fluweelen, old Breughell, Fluweele Breugel, Brueghel Jan (The Elder), Brughel, Breughel Jean dit de velours, Breugel Jan the elder, brueghel jan der altere, I. Breugel, Breugel dit Develour, Jean Breugle, Velvet Breughell, Bregeln, Jan Brueghel d. Ae. Der sog. Samtbrueghel, Breugel le vieux, Bruguel Jean dit de Velours, ברויגל יאן (וולווט) האב, Brughael, J. Breugel dit de Velours, Bruegel Jan der Ältere de Velours, Breughel the Old, Jean Breughel dit Breugle de Velours, fluele Breugel, Breughel dit de Velours, J. Brenghel, Monsu Brugo Novecchio, Velvet Brueghal, Breugel dit : de Velours, Johann Breughel genannt Sammet Breughel, brueghel jan d. a., Brugel de Velours, Breugles de Velours, Bruguel de la Voilure, Breughel Jan der Ältere, Velvet Brughell, Brueghel de Paradis, Jean Breughel detto de Velours, jean breughel d. a., Briaghell, Blumenbrueghel, Brucoli vecchio, Johann Brueghel, Brueghel Jan I, Sammt=Breughel, Breugel de Vloin, Old Brugel, Breughal Jan, Broughel, fluwele Breugel, jan brueghel I, Brögel, O. Breughel, Breughel Jan d.Ä. gen Samtbreughel, Brueghel Jan the elder, Old Bruegal, Giovanni di Brucolo, Brughel de Velcouri, Jan Brueghel the Elder, Brueghel Jan Der Ältere, Velvet Breugel, le Brueghel de Velours, Fluweelen Breugel, Sammit Breughel, Jan. Breughel, Breughael, Bruegel, H. Breughel, Breugel.
Spol: muški
Nacionalnost umjetnika: Belgijski
Poslovi umjetnika: slikar, umjetnik
Zemlja umjetnika: Belgija
klasifikacija: stari majstore
Stilovi izvođača: Barok
Starost kod smrti: 57 godina
Rođeni godine: 1568
Mjesto rođenja: Brisel, regija Bruxelles, Belgija
Umro: 1625
Mjesto smrti: Antwerpen, provincija Antwerpen, Flandrija, Belgija

O članku

Ispis proizvoda: reprodukcija likovne umjetnosti
Metoda reprodukcije: digitalna reprodukcija
Proizvodni proces: UV direktno tiskanje (digitalni ispis)
Porijeklo proizvoda: proizvedeno u Njemačkoj
Vrsta zaliha: proizvodnja na zahtjev
Predviđena upotreba: galerija reprodukcije umjetnina, zidna umjetnost
Orijentacija umjetničkog djela: poravnanje pejzaža
Omjer slike: (dužina: širina) 16: 9
Interpretacija omjera slike: dužina je 78% duža od širine
Dostupni materijali proizvoda: metalni otisak (aluminijski dibond), akrilni stakleni otisak (s pravim staklenim premazom), print plakata (platneni papir), platneni otisak
Tisak na platnu (platno na nosaču okvira): 90x50cm - 35x20 ", 180x100cm - 71x39"
Opcije štampe na akrilnom staklu (sa pravim premazom od stakla): 90x50cm - 35x20 ", 180x100cm - 71x39"
Varijante štampe plakata (papir na platnu): 90x50cm - 35x20 "
Dibond otisak (aluminijev materijal): 90x50cm - 35x20 "
okvir: Nije dostupno

Odaberite materijal koji ćete objesiti u svom domu

For every art print we offer a range of different materials & sizes. You can choose your favorite size and material among the alternatives:

  • Otisak na platnu: The canvas print, which shall not be confused with a painting on a canvas, is an image printed directly on canvas fabric. It creates a unique look of three-dimensionality. Additionally, a canvas print makes a soft and warm feeling. Canvas Prints have the advantage of being relatively low in weight. That means, it is easy and straightforward to hang your Canvas print without the support of extra wall-mounts. Because of thata canvas print is suitable for any kind of wall.
  • Aluminijski dvobojni otisak: Aluminium Dibond prints are prints on metal with a true depth effect. The bright and white parts of the work of art shine with a silk gloss but without glow. The UV print on Aluminum Dibond is the most popular entry-level product and is a sophisticated way to showcase art prints, because it draws attention on the whole artwork.
  • Otisak plakata na platnu: The Artprinta poster print is a printed cotton canvas paper with a granular surface texture. Please keep in mind, that depending on the size of the canvas poster print we add a white margin between 2 - 6cm around the painting, which facilitates the framing with your custom frame.
  • Otisak na sjajnom akrilnom staklu (sa pravim staklenim premazom): An acrylic glass print, which is sometimes named as a plexiglass print, will convert your favorite artwork into brilliant décor. Your own replica of the work of art is being custom-made with the help of modern UV direct print technology. With an acrylic glass art print contrasts plus details will be more recognizeable because of the precise gradation in the print.

Detaljne informacije o članku

In 1612 u muški painter Jan Brueghel the Elder painted this classic art masterpiece. The artpiece was made with the dimensions: 15 x 24 inča i proizveden je na medijumu ulje na panelu. Danas je ovo umjetničko djelo uključeno u Muzej umjetnosti Indianapolisa digitalna kolekcija, koja je jedan od najboljih univerzalnih muzeja umjetnosti koji ima obimnu zbirku istorije umjetnosti iz različitih epoha sa predmetima iz svih dijelova svijeta. Ljubaznošću - Muzej umjetnosti Indianapolis (javno vlasništvo).The creditline of the artwork is: . Furthermore, alignment of the digital reproduction is landscape and has a side ratio of 16: 9, što znači to dužina je 78% duža od širine. The artist, painter Jan Brueghel the Elder was a European artist, whose style can be attributed mainly to Baroque. The European artist lived for 57 years - born in the year 1568 in Brussels, Bruxelles region, Belgium and died in 1625.

Pravno odricanje odgovornosti: We try all that we can in order to depict our products as closely as possible and to display them visually in our shop. However, the tone of the print materials and the print result can differ slightly from the representation on your device's screen. Depending on the screen settings and the nature of the surface, colors might not be printed as realisitcally as the digital version on this website. Bearing in mind that all art prints are processed and printed by hand, there might also be slight deviations in the motif's size and exact position.

© Zaštita autorskih prava - www.artprinta.com (Artprinta)

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